The Kid with A lot to Say
Giving the public something funny and entertaining to read since 2004!
Monday, April 25, 2011
My thoughts on EP Tonight Live!
Umm? Oralia Ortega seems like a nice person, but she is not the right host for this type of program/show. Oh boy! I sound like a human resources manager! Oralia is trying a little too hard at acting like Mary Hart. Oralia is not acting like her natural self. She is almost as cheesy as that new guy that NC9 hired a few weeks ago. Does anybody know his name? Is his name creepy eyed guy? I am pretty sure that the producers of this show told Oralia to watch old VHS copies of Entertainment Tonight after having a few drinks of vodka. Did Oralia really want to lend her presence to this odd show? I doubt it! A show like this reminds me of something that you would see in high school. No No! High school productions are fifty times better than this show.
Can anybody remember the classic Nick Miller segments that appeared on NC 9? NC 9 needs to create a show that is similar to those Nick Miller pieces. They can send Oralia to Chicos Tacos, and she can interview the thousands of flies that roam every inch of Chicos. Oralia can then make a visit to Cappettos, and interview the clientele. She can ask them as to whether they were forced at gunpoint to eat at Cappettos or if they were brainwashed into eating such horrible food! What I really want to see is Oralia make a visit to El Paso magazine. She should ask the publisher and editors if they were paid large amounts of money for saying that Avila's is a great restaurant! I am telling you that this would be awesome! She could also ask Mayor Cook as to where all of our tax money is being spent. I will bet you five pesos that the tax money is going towards Cook's guitar lessons and Willie Gandara's large stock of hair gel! The hell with entertainment, Oralia needs to cover local issues, and ask hard hitting questions! Peace!
Labels: el paso news channel 9 texas
Friday, April 08, 2011
A photo of the Real West Cinema of Silver City,New Mexico

2010 shot of Real West Cinema
Yes this is a picture of the Real West Cinema! It really is a nice movie theater! No wonder all of the GC residents love it to death!
Labels: silver city new mexico grant county
Thursday, April 07, 2011
2010 Repost:Wednesday February 10,2010:Jessica Lucas:A Great Looking Woman with Acting Skills

Jessica Lucas is great looking enough said!
Jessica Lucas was a regular cast member on "Melrose Place 2010" on the CW. Eventually, the CW cancelled "Melrose Place" because it was so bad! I tried to watch it last year, and I almost died from severe boredom. Jessica was able to secure a regular role on the NBC show "Friends with Benefits". I have not seen the show, and I do not want to see the show. I am pretty sure that it is similar to "Craprose Place". You can also see Jessica on the big screen, in the movie "Big Momma's::Like Father, Like Son". Can somebody please tell me as to why Martin Lawrence keeps on torturing the public with his crappy movies? Jessica needs to hire a new agent as soon as possible. Her latest offerings are extremely horrible!
It Came from the Nineties:Motorola Star Tac (1996-2003)
2010 Motorola StarTac(GSM900) by Lekki

1996 advertisement photo of the analog Motorola StarTac.
Yes, this blog entry is about the Motorola StarTac. The StarTac was and still is a very dependable phone. The StarTac was introduced to the world in 1996, and was priced at one thousand dollars. Can you imagine paying one thousand dollars for a cell phone today? What people loved most about this piece of plastic and metal was that it was compact and could fit in your pocket. At the time most phones were the size of your mom's panty liner. Another thing that people enjoyed about owning a StarTac, was that the StarTac had an excellent battery life. It really did! You could go without a charge for weeks.
My very first experience with a StarTac was in early 2002. At the time I had Verizon wireless service which was originally GTE cellular. Between 2000 and early 2002,an Audiovox cell phone could be found in my travel bag. That thing was the size of a TV remote. According to a Verizon wireless customer service representative, I needed to upgrade my cell phone ASAP. I decided to purchase a tri-mode Motorola StarTac from my local Radio Shack in March of 2002. The phone was used from 2002 to 2007. Why I traded in my StarTac for an LG is still beyond my comprehension. The main purpose of the Motorola StarTac was to make phone calls and phone calls only! That is why cell phones were invented right? The model that I owned could receive text messages, and it also had text only mobile web access. The bright blue screen was another feature that was very useful at night time. Anyways, this phone could also take a beating. I remember dropping it on a concrete floor at least five times, and it never broke into pieces. Try doing that with an Android or an IPhone.
Just recently a company by the name of Lekki has brought back the StarTac with GSM900 technology. It is basically a ST7867w model minus the tri-band technology. The total price for this Lekki Motorola StarTac is 190 euros. You will also receive a charger and a hands free kit. I believe that Lekki will ship the phone to any place in the world. A friend of mine told me that you could probably use it with T-Mobile cell service. Click on the link below to visit the Lekki website for more information. Peace!
Lekki Back to Basics Vintage Cell Phones
Corre Caminos Transport of Silver City

This question is for all of my Silver City/Grant County readers, do you use the Corre Caminos bus system? If your answer is yes, then what is your opinion of the Corre Camino system? Do you enjoy using their buses? Or do you hate using their buses? When I was a Grant County resident, I rode the Corre Camino van/bus a total of six times. The fact that I was the only passenger on board, always made me laugh my ass off. This was in late 2002/early 2003. In August of 2005, I used their services again. By this time, they were using actual real buses to transport people all over Grant County.
Corre Caminos really was a good public transportation company. Whether or not they are still a good transportaion company is something I do not know. Now correct me if I am wrong, around 2006, Corre Caminos began offering a ride from Silver to Lordsburg for a mere ten or fifteen dollars. That was and still is a bargain in my book. Does anybody know if this service is still being offered to the public? I remember when the idea was proposed, many residents laughed at the idea of Grant County having a public transportation system. Why people thought it was funny is beyond me. Not everyone in Grant, owns a truck or a car. The Corre Caminos was a blessing to me and many other GC residents. Thank You Corre Caminos for helping this out of state student get to where he needed to go. PEACE and LOVE!
Gas Prices are Going Up Again! Should you ditch your car and use Public Transportation?

This new year is starting to look like 2008 all over again! Gas prices have already reached a little over three dollars a gallon. I would not mind paying three dollars a gallon if I knew that I was receiving high quality gasoline. The truth is that I am not receiving high quality gas at the pump. If the money grubbing oil tycoons had any sense, they would price gas at one dollar a gallon. Many people would most definitely visit their local gas station and fill their gas tanks right away. But in reality this is not going to happen at all. I know that people are going to laugh at this, but using public transportation is one of many options for saving money.
The only problem is that most city buses are in poor shape, and some smell like public bathrooms. So how can a person survive a bus ride in 2011? Well the first thing that you need is a bus pass. Bus passes are usually sold at a main bus depot. The average cost of a bus pass is fifteen dollars. The next item that you need is a breathing mask. Public buses(Big Cities) have a tendency to smell like pee and cigarette smoke. The last items that you will need are hand sanitizer and a newspaper. The rails and seats are extremely disgusting! There will be times when you need to take a hold of a rail or touch the stop button. So do not forget to use hand sanitizer when exiting the bus. The newspaper is for you to sit on. Have you ever smelled a public bus seat? Words cannot describe the smell! Place a piece of newspaper on the seat that you would like to sit on. This will prevent your pants or jeans from smelling like doo doo. Actually, most bus seats do smell like doo doo.
If you follow these steps, you will more than likely survive your first bus ride. Peace!
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