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Ms.Vita Fresh is so CUTE! (1968)
If I can remember correctly, I entered Kindergarten in August of 1987 at the age of four. (I would eventually turn five a few months later)About fifty percent of what I ate for lunch was made by my mother, the other fifty percent was made by an old cafeteria lady wearing a hairnet, and a stained white cooking apron. I am not over exaggerating when I say this, but my Mom made some pretty damn good lunches between 1987 and early 2000. Once I graduated from high school, I was no longer able to satisfy my palate. I had to settle for mediocre out of state college breakfast and dinner. Anyways, eating in the school cafeteria felt almost like having to clean your room. It was a heavy task, especially since the food tasted older than dirt! One thing that I remember very well was that you had a choice of either vitamin d milk or chocolate milk to go along with your farce of a meal. Back in the late 80s, companies like Borden, Farmers, and Price's provided thousands of cartons of milk to schools located in the Southwestern portion of the US. I would usually refuse any carton of milk that was presented to me at lunch time.
Sometime around the start of 1988, I was still in Kinder, and I was tired of not having any other drink options. One day in early 1988, a juice product by the name of Vita Fresh was introduced to my young eyes and hands. I had no clue as to what was in those white cartons. I just remember the ancient lunch lady asking me if I wanted a carton of grape juice or apple juice to go along with my crappy sappy meal. Of course I chose the grape juice over the apple juice. When I was handed a carton of grape juice, the first thing that caught my eye was the cute female orange pointing at the Vita Fresh script and logo. It was a big change from seeing Elsie(Borden) every freaking day on a carton of vitamin D cow boob juice! The Vita Fresh orange chick is one hot chick, and you should never forget that! When I opened my first carton of Vita Fresh, the smell of a million squashed grapes entered my nose and went down the back of my throat. I immediately drank the contents of my carton, and I was finally freed from having to drink cow udder waste product. This juice had a better taste than Welch grape juice in my five year old opinion. It was thinner and it did not leave a gross aftertaste in my mouth. Eventually, Vita Fresh started being served for breakfast on a daily basis. Every now and then, the cafeteria would serve Vita Fresh juice for lunch. If it was not for Vita Fresh being served in the cafeteria, I would have stopped eating in the cafeteria all together. Thank you Vita Fresh for making great tasting fruit juices and introducing my young senses to an excellent product! Peace!
Yes Vita Fresh does have a website for their products. It is manufactured by Cal-Tex Juice. Who knew that this company has been operating since 1952!
Here it is: