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I just found out that the one and only Kentucky Fried Chicken in Grant County, closed a few weeks ago. According to my news source, the doors are closed and locked, and every table and chair has been removed from the eating area. The KFC manager and owner have yet to release a statement to the residents of Grant County NM. My guess is that KFC was closed due to a lack customers and cold hard cash. To be honest with my readers, I am not surprised over this news. I always felt that the KFC should have remained at Hudson street. That was a great location for KFC. It really was! Once KFC moved to the Wal Mart parking lot, I completely forgot about Colonel Sanders and his spiffy white suit! KFC is one of a few restaurants that has closed in the past five to ten years. If I can remember correctly, the first restaurant to close was the Monterrey Grill. It closed in late 2000 or early 2001. The Monterrey Grill served Mexican food along with a few American items. Restaurant number two was Burger King. The one and only BK closed in the summer of 2003, and then reopened in December of 2004. The BK manager issued a statement to the Silver Daily Press before it closed. What he said in the statement, is beyond my recollection. Contact the Silver City Daily Press for more information.
Golden Corral fell by the wayside in the spring of 2006. My friend Mike brought up the fact that Golden Corral was no longer in operation. If it was not for him, I would never have known about the demise of Golden Corral. Buffet food has never satisfied my palate. A lot of people were hoping that Golden Corral would reopen sooner or later. That never happened for the all of the die hard Golden Corral patrons! Golden Corral is now known as Wrangler's. Caballero's restaurant followed soon after, and is no longer serving the Grant County community. Long John Silver's ceased to exist in the summer of 2007. Almost every LJS in America is disgusting beyond belief! I am shocked over the fact that Dairy Queen, Arby's, and Taco Bell are still open. These three establishments need to close ASAP! They are very disgusting from the inside and the outside! If I left a few restaurants out, please let me know by leaving a comment on this blog entry! I also want to make another statement! I truly believe that the residents of Grant County deserve better restaurants that serve good food along with good service. Peace Sonny!
Labels: silver city grant county new mexico kentucky fried chicken