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I hope these dorks have more than a BA or a BS degree under their belt!
The college bachelor degree is close to becoming an asshole. What I mean by this is that college degrees are like assholes, everybody has one. Other people have also stated that the college bachelor degree is the new high school diploma. It seems as if almost anyone can obtain a degree nowadays. There was a point in time when most agencies/businesses would hire a fresh college grad with hardly any work experience. This is no longer the case in 2011. A minimum of six months of work experience is required for some jobs, and for most jobs you need at least two years of work experience. A bachelor degree is not going to be enough to get you the job that you have been desiring for years and years. If you do not have a job, then get a job right away. Make an attempt at applying for a campus job. What is better than having your classes and your job all on the same campus. You do not have to worry about wasting gas on driving from one side of town to the other. Campus job pay might be horrible, but remember that you are working to obtain experience, and show employers that you can hold down a job.
If you are currently trying to obtain a BA or a BS degree, try to maintain at least a 3.0 g.p.a. Employers do take a look at your g.p.a. I am pretty sure that anything below a 3.0 is going to make you look like a brain dead creep to a Fortune 500 company human resources manager/hiring agent. If you ever get to the interview stage, be confident, but do not be obnoxious/egotistical. Then again, you can do all of these things, and you will still not be guaranteed a job. Sometimes it is not what you know, but who you know that can get you a job. Visit job fairs, companies, and talk to friends that are currently employed. Another option that can fall under the category of networking is sleeping with someone to get a job. I know that it sounds horrible, but it does happen more often than you think. You would be surprised as to how many people get hired for sleeping or blowing someone. Please remember that networking(aka sleeping around with important people) is something that you need to do before graduating. Another thing, if you are thinking about attending graduate school, give it a lot of thought. Master degrees are slowly becoming assholes just like bachelor degrees. SO please be careful! Peace!
Labels: college bachelor degree