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Christy Velarde(Bridge Girl) was intoxicated!

If you are going to party, try not to drink too much!!
I have been living in El Paso for close to a year now and I have noticed that a lot of things are changing or have changed. El Paso now has a new main library and the El Paso Museum of History is now located downtown. Anyways, it turns out that party people(drunks)are dying on Cincinatti and Mesa Street, here in El Paso. Well a woman by the name of Christy Velarde decided to head a petition to have a bridge/crosswalk built over Cincinatti and Mesa Street. With this future bridge, all kinds of drunks/lushes can walk safely across to the other side of the street and cause more trouble. Well here is the real news, this woman was killed in an accident a few weeks ago. It turns out that she hit a telephone pole head on with her Grand Jeep Cherokee. When her death was announced, nothing was mentioned about alcohol. Yesterday though, it was announced that her blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit. All I have to say about this whole scenario is that a bridge is not going to save lives at all. And what was this woman doing driving home alone intoxicated? What good does it do to have a bridge for people to walk across safely, when in the end they are going to get in their cars and drive home drunk and possibly kill themselves or others??? If you want to read about this whole situation, click the link below.
Christy Velarde Toxicology Results (El Paso Times)
Crash Victim's Petition goes on (El Paso Times)
Update:A few days ago someone left a comment on this entry. Here is the comment that an anonymous person left.
perhaps you should do your research...she wasn't going home...and the blood alcohol level that was supposedly measured should have left her unconscious and unable to drive at all...
perhaps you should be asking the cops and her "friends" what REALLY happened to Cristy that night...9:28 PMWell for your information Mr or Mrs.Anonymous, I am only using information that was provided by the EP Times, KTSM, and KVIA. If the information that I posted is false then file a complaint with all three media outlets. So what caused her accident? Was it really alcohol? Or was it something else? It seems to me that you know more about the situation than me and every other news station in town. So please provide your insight on this matter. Another thing, did someone finally build a bridge over Cincinatti and Mesa Street?