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I would have to say that NYU reminded me of Miami Vice. Maybe it reminded me of Vice for the fact that Dick Wolf was the executive producer. If anyone remembers, Dick Wolf worked on Miami Vice during the third and forth seasons. I guess Dick wanted to create his own Vice for the Fox network. If you are familiar with Vice then you should be familiar with the plot of NYU. NYU aired from Sep of 1994 to May of 1998. The first three seasons of NYU were good, but the last season of NYU was horrible!!! Michael De Lorenzo and Patti Arbenville left after season three. It is also appearent that they also took the show writers with them. To be honest with you, I do not consider the last season of NYU to be NYU. They should have dropped the title and called the show “Tommy from Martin finally found a job pretending to be a cop” Yes, Tommy Ford was a regular cast member in season four! I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw Tommy! The first thing I said was “Damn Tommy! You finally found a job!!!” I was expecting Martin Lawrence and the whole gang from Martin to show up! If I can remember correctly, Detective Williams (Yoba) and Detective Moreno (Velez) no longer worked for the police department. They worked for Tommy and they tried looking for jobs for him! Im just joking! The last season of NYU was just horrible. I am not sure if they wanted the show to be like the Mod Squad or like Mission Impossible? There should have never have been a Season four. Watching season four was like watching paint dry! I don’t know who to blame though for season four? Should I blame Michael De Lorenzo for leaving or should I blame the script writers that were hired for season four? I really don’t know. All that I know is NYU was a good show and it turned into something totally different during season four. Why Malik Yoba and Lauren Velez agreed to appear in season four is beyond me. I guess they were desperate for the green backs. If you want to see New York Undercover, you can see it on SI TV everyday. I believe that season two is being shown right now on SI TV.