The Kid with A lot to Say
Giving the public something funny and entertaining to read since 2004!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Remembering the El Sol and Gila Theater!
The Gila and El Sol movie theater were probably the most awesome spots for catching a flick in Silver City. I actually had the opportunity to watch a few movies at the El Sol, before it closed in 2002 or was it 2003? The last movie that I saw at the El Sol was Scary Movie 2 in the summer of 2001. Every time I watched a movie at El Sol, I would always sit in the balcony. To watch a movie in a theater that was sixty years old really gave me a sense of nostalgia. The El Sol and Gila theater were Silver's original time machines. Eventually the El Sol and Gila closed their doors to the public in 2003. The reason for the closing of these two great little theaters might have been a lack of attendance. Why the Real West Cinema is still open is beyond my comprehension. It would be great if someone could invest a couple of hundred thousand into these theaters. You will most definitely find me in a line waiting to buy a ticket, if they decide to reopen these vintage theaters. If they cannot reopen these theaters, then I will find a way to build an all new movie theater in Silver City.
Labels: silver city new mexico
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
My Worst Experience ever at a Fast Food Restaurant:Silver City,New Mexico(June 2000:DQ)

I wish the food looked that good and happy at the Silver Dairy Queen!
It was only ten years ago that I had a real bad experience at a fast food restaurant. It was in June of 2000, that I walked into a Silver City Dairy Queen with my parents. We should have walked out of that restaurant immediately! The first thing that I noticed was food on the floor. Whenever you see food and trash on a restaurant floor, do yourself a favor and leave. So we place our order, and within fifteen minutes we receive the food. It appeared to all of us that the food was not fresh at all. What was done to the food is hilarious. The burgers and hot dogs that we ordered were reheated in a microwave oven. The hamburger and hot dog buns were soggy and overheated, and the meat had a rubbery texture. The food really was horrible. The dessert was not any better than the microwave burgers and fries. Usually milkshakes and ice cream are served cold or chilled. Apparently, the employees at the Silver City Dairy Queen like to serve the public warm milk with vanilla or chocolate flavoring. Would anybody like to bet that the Blizzards are also served warm?
I am not over exaggerating about this at all. If you would like further proof visit the ChefMoz website for reviews of this restaurant. The reviews are definitely not positive. To be fair, this is not the only fast food restaurant in Silver that is in poor shape. If anybody has recently eaten at the Silver Dairy Queen, leave a comment on this entry.
Silver City New Mexico Dairy Queen Reviews at ChefMozLabels: silver city new mexico mexican food
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Silver Cafe of Silver City, New Mexico

Anyways, lets get to the matter at hand, which is the food that is served at Silver Cafe. The food is nothing special at all. I ordered a plate of red enchiladas with a side order of beans. My friend ordered a plate of ground beef tacos. The red enchiladas were not spicy and lacked cheese. I think I was better off eating crackers and cheese with mild hot sauce. My friend felt that the ground beef tacos were extremely dry. He felt as if he was eating pebbles instead of ground beef. I am having a hard time with understanding as to why so many people regard this restaurant as an excellent restaurant. In all honesty, I can make better tasting enchiladas at home with a few cans of store bought sauce and cheese. Not only is the food bad, but the service is horrible. I read a few reviews on, that stated that if you are white you will not receive service/good service. In one of the reviews, someone wrote that you have to be hispanic in order to receive good service. I have to disagree. My friend and I are hispanic, and we received terrible service. Race has nothing to do with it. The restaurant is a below average restaurant, and that is that. If you want decent tasting Mexican food, then make a visit to Jalisco Cafe. It is only a few blocks away from the Silver Cafe.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Which Anchors/Reporters will Leave El Paso?

It is that time again to compose my list of anchors/reporters that will be leaving El Paso sooner or later. Leave a comment and tell me what you think!
1.Jorge Torres (KVIA)
2.Jill Galus(KVIA)
3.Jennifer Myers(KVIA)
4.Paul Cicala(KVIA) An AWESOME Sports Guy!
5.Oralia Ortega(KTSM)
6.Kai Porter(KTSM)
7.Monique Griego(KTSM)
8.Alexa Helms(KTBC)
9.Anthony Garcia(KTSM)
10.Chester Lampkin (KTSM)
So there is my list of news people that will probably leave El Paso within the next few years. Once they polish up their on and off air skills they will leave to a bigger and better market. Peace!
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Ferrari 458 Italia:A Brief Review!

This is all I have to say about the Ferrari 458, it really does look like a dirt devil vacuum cleaner. I think Ferrari needs to hire designers and engineers that are not blind and drunk.
Are you sick and tired of using the same old Hair Products? Then try these Products!
As a kid growing up in the late 1980s, the only hair products that I had at my disposal were mousse and gel. I never knew that pomades, brillatine, and waxes existed in the late 80s. It was not until the mid 90s, that I discovered a product that completely made me forget about gel and mousse. That product was Protein 29 by Mennen. Protein 29 gave my hair a natural healthy looking sheen. It did not make my hair look stiff or feel hard like an old cafeteria chocolate chip cookie. Eventually I became tired of Protein 29, and I stopped using hair products for a few years. Some years later I decided to use Vitalis hair tonic. Vitalis and Protein 29 are pretty much the same product with the exception of animal protein(Protein 29), and scent. I feel that Vitalis has a better smell than Protein 29. The smell of Vitalis is very masculine in my opinion. Protein 29 smells like a vintage house cleaning product.
Another product that left my hair looking great was Pro Vitamin Anti Frizz Serum. As far as I know this product is no longer being manufactured. Out of all of the hair products that I have used since I was a punk, this product put every other hair product to shame. It had a nice orange scent, and it did not make your hair feel heavy or greasy. It did not run down your hands or arms. It was very easy to control. Groom and Clean is another great hair product for men. It gives your hair great hold, and it can also be used to soften beards. These products really do work for almost every hair type. Give them a try. You will not be disappointed.

Protein 29 by Stephan Beauty.
Available at

Vitalis by Helen of Troy
Available at Wal-Mart

Pro Vitamin Anti Frizz Serum
Available at I do not know if this site has a good reputation or not.

Groom and Clean
Available at Wal-Mart and Walgreens.
Repost:Christy Velarde(Bridge Girl) was intoxicated! (April 11,2007)
This entry is a repost.
Christy Velarde(Bridge Girl) was intoxicated!

If you are going to party, try not to drink too much!!
I have been living in El Paso for close to a year now and I have noticed that a lot of things are changing or have changed. El Paso now has a new main library and the El Paso Museum of History is now located downtown. Anyways, it turns out that party people(drunks)are dying on Cincinatti and Mesa Street, here in El Paso. Well a woman by the name of Christy Velarde decided to head a petition to have a bridge/crosswalk built over Cincinatti and Mesa Street. With this future bridge, all kinds of drunks/lushes can walk safely across to the other side of the street and cause more trouble. Well here is the real news, this woman was killed in an accident a few weeks ago. It turns out that she hit a telephone pole head on with her Grand Jeep Cherokee. When her death was announced, nothing was mentioned about alcohol. Yesterday though, it was announced that her blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit. All I have to say about this whole scenario is that a bridge is not going to save lives at all. And what was this woman doing driving home alone intoxicated? What good does it do to have a bridge for people to walk across safely, when in the end they are going to get in their cars and drive home drunk and possibly kill themselves or others??? If you want to read about this whole situation, click the link below.
Christy Velarde Toxicology Results (El Paso Times)
Crash Victim's Petition goes on (El Paso Times)
Update:A few days ago someone left a comment on this entry. Here is the comment that an anonymous person left.
perhaps you should do your research...she wasn't going home...and the blood alcohol level that was supposedly measured should have left her unconscious and unable to drive at all...
perhaps you should be asking the cops and her "friends" what REALLY happened to Cristy that night...9:28 PMWell for your information Mr or Mrs.Anonymous, I am only using information that was provided by the EP Times, KTSM, and KVIA. If the information that I posted is false then file a complaint with all three media outlets. So what caused her accident? Was it really alcohol? Or was it something else? It seems to me that you know more about the situation than me and every other news station in town. So please provide your insight on this matter. Another thing, did someone finally build a bridge over Cincinatti and Mesa Street?
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