Giving the public something funny and entertaining to read since 2004!

The name might not sound familiar to most people, but Missy Peregrym is a Canadian born actress that has appeared in a number of TV shows and movies. I am familiar with Missy appearing in the CW show "Reaper". That was one of the best shows besides "Everybody Hates Chris" on the CW. If I can remember correctly, she was dating Ben Hamburger from the Shittsburg Peelers. Anyways, Missy is cute actress that will definitely have a great career for a long time.
At the end of this month, Nicole Ayoub will leave KDBC 4. Nicole has worked for KDBC since the summer of 2004. So why is Nicole leaving KDBC? Is the KDBC/KTSM merger giving her severe migraine headaches or something? Is KTSM not paying her properly? Does she not like her new buddies at KTSM? Is Robert Bettes finally annoying her to death? I do not have a definite answer as to why Nicole is leaving. Maybe Nicole is tired of working in a KTSM bathroom stall (studio). I wonder as to who is going to fill in for Nicole? Kai Porter aka Mr.Pale Face or Monique Griego? Will Robert Bettes also follow Nicole. They way I see it, Nicole does not have to work anymore. Her husband has a great job, and I am sure that she has a good savings account of her own. Nicole should just relax and forget about the BS and stress of working at KTSM.

Can you think of any other person that is more entertaining and funnier than Howard Stern. I cannot think of anyone at all. Seriously! I know that Howard is not as funny as he used to be, but he is still funnier than a majority of these local/satellite radio programs on the air. For almost thirty years, Howard has made America laugh and pee in their pants while driving to work. America loves Howard for his brutal honesty and over the top commentary. Howard always has the best guests, and gives the greatest interviews. Howard is a master at his craft, and knows how to keep his audience entertained. In other words, he gives the public what they want. Not only is Howard a funny guy, but he has two of the craziest guys working for him. Sal and Richard. If you have been listening to Howard for the past seven years, then you know how funny Richard and Sal can be. Their assault on various Tradio shows last year was hilarious. Just recently Sal made a prank call to a pizza place using auto-tune. You can listen to it on YouTube. Hiring Sal and Richard was the best thing that Howard ever did for his show. Oh yeah, I cannot forget about Artie! His commentary on various subjects was hilarious. I remember the time when Golddust was a guest, and Artie was making fun of him. I could not stop laughing for hours. Overall, the Howard Stern show was and still is the funniest show on satellite radio and television. If you have sirius, take a listen to the show. You will not be disappointed.