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Many local and cable stations are making the move to HD programming in 720p or 1080I format. As far as I know, most stations are broadcasting in 720p. Very few are actually broadcasting in 1080I or 1080P format. Just recently, The Weather Channel started broadcasting in HD. As a result of this change, the sets at the Weather Channel have been renovated. Forget about how the sets appear, lets talk about how Stephanie Abrams looks in HD! She looks good! Lets get back to what I want to talk about, people that look horrible in HD. One problem with HD programming is that you can see every flaw in your favorite actor or news anchors face. Every pimple, scar, and wrinkle is exposed in HD tv and film. As a result, many make up artists are trying their best to conceal flaws. So who looks horrible in HD? I decided to compile a list of people that look horrible in HD. Let me know if you agree or disagree with my list.
1.Joan Rivers
2.Kelly Monaco
3.Katie Couric
4.Dan Rather
5.Barbara Walters
I suggest that if you have bad skin, stay away from an HD camera and go to a dermatologist as soon as possible. I remember listening to the KLAQ radio show last year and Nautica Thorn was studio guest. She was in El Paso, performing at The Red Parrot. If I can remember correctly, Buzz asked her as to what she thought about porn in HD. She said that porn shouldn’t be filmed in HD, due to the fact that every skin flaw appears in HD. HD is the new truth serum for actors looks. Peace!

Paula and John Cho!
The name might look familiar to some of my readers and then it might not. If any of you have been viewing The Shield or if you have seen Harold and Kumar 1 and 2, you probably already recognize the name. Paula played the character of Tina Hanlon in seasons 5 and 6 of The Shield. Most recently, Paula appeared in an episode of CSI:Miami, as a hot piece of ass that had to disrobe. That is all that I remember from that episode. I do not like any of the CSI shows that are currently airing on CBS. Well, lets get back to talking about Paula, I believe that Paula is from Columbia. She has been acting since the early 90s and she has appeared in many movies and tv shows. It is obvious that this woman is attractive and can act. I think out of all the roles she has played, the one role that I enjoyed was her role in Law and Order. If have not seen the L&O episodes, see them online or ask a friend if he or she has it on TIVO. I hope Paula continues to work in movies and in TV and may she never develop crows feet and horrible expression lines. Peace!