Giving the public something funny and entertaining to read since 2004!

When people hear the word "Hiroshima", they tend to think of a city that was destroyed in World War II. It turns out that Hiroshima is a band/group from Los Angeles. They have been creating jazz music since 1974 or 1975. So how did I learn about Hiroshima? Around the fall of 2006, I would watch the local community college bulletin board on cable TV every now and then. During the airing of the bulletin board, a variety of music would play in the background. It turns out that some of that music was from Hiroshima. I had no clue at that time that it was from Hiroshima. For three years I had been searching for information, and I finally found it today.
It turns out that the music that I heard is from the album "L.A.". This album was released in September of 1994 on the Qwest/WEA label. If you like R&B/Jazz music, then you should take a listen to it. It is a good album. They have released a total of 17 albums over a period of 30 years. I have not heard their other albums, but I am sure that they sound great. You can purchase their albums through Amazon or I believe that you can also purchase the albums from their official website.

The first time I saw Mike was in the late 90s in The Source magazine. He was a featured model in a few advertisements for Antonio Ansaldi clothing. I had no clue at the time that Mike was an up and coming actor. It wasn't until early 2007 that I would see Mike again on reruns of "The Wire" on BET. The role of Omar Little is what brought Mike a lot of attention. Since "The Wire", Mike has appeared in movies and a few TV shows. He is awesome in "The Thief" and he was suave in the TV show "The Philanthropist". I have not seen "Wonderful World" with Matthew Broderick and Sanaa Lathan. I have heard that Mike gives a great performance in this movie. If you want to know what else Mike is working on, visit IMDB for more information.
If you would like to leave a message for Mike, you can visit his official website.
www.michaelkennethwilliams.comIMDB Page for Michael Kenneth Williams:

Jessica Lucas is great looking! Enough said!

YES! If you would like to save money on gas, purchase a motorcycle for yourself. I have been doing research on various motorcycles for the past two weeks. I have decided to purchase a Buell XB9SX. The fuel consumption on this bike is excellent. This motorcycle can achieve 50 mpg in the city, and 65 mpg on the highway. The MSRP for this model is $8,999. Not bad for a 92 horsepower motorcycle. There are many bike manufacturers that produce excellent motorcycles at great prices. All you have to do is just surf the net for your next bike.
Here are a few models that will place a few more dollars in your wallet or purse.
2010 Kawasaki Eliminator 125. MSRP $2799. 95 MPG.
2010 Triumph Scrambler. MSRP $8799. 50-60 MPG.
2010 Harley Davidson Sportster Forty-Eight. MSRP $10,499 42 MPG(City)57 MPG (HWY)

A few weeks ago, I decided to order two "new" recipe Domino pizzas. I believed that this "new" pizza was going to have a better taste. I have to say that it is not any better than the "old" recipe. So for a minute, I thought it was just me. A few of my friends also agreed that the old recipe gave the pizza better flavor. There are two things that I did not like about the pizza. The first thing that I did not like was the butter garlic sauce that is placed on the crust. Supposedly, you can order your pizza without it. The second thing that I do not like is the "new" sauce. The "old" sauce had a better flavor. One thing that my friend did not like was the cheese. He felt that the cheese was not real. He thinks that it might be a soy based cheese. Who knows for sure. So would I buy another "new" Domino's pizza? I would have to say no. If they decide to use their old recipe, then I might order again.
Finding a national chain pizza that tastes good is hard to find. Godfather's pizza is the only chain that makes a decent pizza. Other people might disagree with me. Some people might say that Pizza Hut makes a great pizza, and other people might say Papa John's makes a great pie. As of this month, I have decided to make my own pizzas at home. Until I can find a pizza place that can create a great tasting pizza, I will continue to create pizzas in my kitchen.