Giving the public something funny and entertaining to read since 2004!

When I first saw a Shelby de Mexico, I immediately said "What the FUGG!" I never knew that there was such a car. According to a 1987 issue of Mustang Monthly, only 250 of these beauties were made in Mexico. The specs of this car are as follows:
5.0 liter V8 (302 ci in)
4 speed manual/stick
Rear Wheel Drive
0-60 Time:
6.0 to 6.6 seconds (estimated)
Top Speed:
130 to 140 (estiimated)

I remember when I was a little kid growing up in the late 80s, I would always hear Sade coming out of the radio. At the time, I really wasn't into music for the fact that I was a little chump. Now it is 2005, and I am really appreciating the work that Sade put out in the 80s and 90s.
Best of Sade is a collection of Sade songs released from 1985 to 1992. A lot of the groups hits can be found on this album (Smooth Operator, Sweetest Taboo). Every song on the album can be described as jazzy. Chances are if you like jazz or r&b, you will definitely like
Best of Sade.

Courtesy of wikipedia
Shit, Kiran Chetry is the only reason why I watch Fox News in the morning. I have to admit that this chica is very cute. Kiran has been working for Fox News for the past 4 years and is doing an excellent job of reporting and anchoring. What Im wondering is, is she single?

I felt kind of bad for Sergio Leone, when this movie was released.Sergio Leone had originally created a masterpiece. When the film was completed, the film editors totally chopped up the movie and presented a piece of shit film to the public. If I can remember correctly, Sergio was in tears over this. Well in 2003,
Once Upon a Time in America was released in a 4 hour version on DVD. The movie more or less, makes sense with the original scenes placed back into the movie. For those that have not seen the movie, the movie is based on 4 Jewish gangsters and their rise to power in New York City. The main stars of the film are Robert De Niro and James Woods. I would suggest watching this movie when you have a lot of free time on your hands.

courtesy of Hot Karl
Hot Karl is one ill muthafugga on the mic!!!! This Hot Karl kid can rhyme like nobody's business. If you guys dont believe me, then you can check out his website! His work speaks for itself. Alright IM GHOST MUTHAFUGGAZ!!!
Hot Karl Website