Giving the public something funny and entertaining to read since 2004!

image courtesy of MTV
This Andy Milonakis kid is pretty funny. Before I watched the show, I thought that the show was going to be lame and unfunny. I was totally wrong! This kid had me laughing the whole night. I was impressed with his freestyling on the streets of NY. This kid is a better rapper than Camron and Sissy Santana. Overall, the show is freaking hilarious. Check out the Andy Milonakis Show on Sunday nights on MTV.
Andy Milonakis Show Website

The first time I bought a pair of Club Cs was in the fall of 2002. I had a habit of always buying adidas superstars, so I decided I would try something different. After wearing them for a few weeks, I realized that they were the most comfortable shoes I had ever worn. I know that sounds like bullshit, but its the truth. They provided great support for my arch and I could walk in them for more than a mile. If you are looking for a good walking shoe or just a casual shoe, then pick up a pair of these comfy shoes.
For those that have seen Scarface a million times, then the picture above should be familiar to you. Angel Salazar is a comedian by heart. He is one of the funniest muthafuggas you will see live on stage! His impressions and jokes will make you spit liquor through your nose. I suggest that if he is performing in your town, go see him with a friend or two. You will laugh your culo off the whole night!

MF MF MF MF MF DOOOOOM!!! MF Doom for those people that do not know, is a MC/producer from the legendary group KMD. You know when I first saw MF, I thought he was a wacked out crack snorting muthafugga! Boy was I wrong about MF, he is one of the best producers in the game. Over the past few years he has released a collection of albums with his best beats. The collection of beats are a part of a series called
Special Herbs . There are approximately 8 volumes out right now. The best volumes are probably 1,2, and volumes 7 and 8. If you like pure instrumentals, pick up a copy of
Special Herbs. Check out MF Doom's site below for more of his work.
MF Doom Site

Associated Press
I knew Mike was going to be found innocent! I remember talking with my ace about the whole MJ thing. My Ace said he would be found guilty of all charges and he would be locked up. I should have made a bet with him, I would have won! Anyways, I hope that Mike learns a lesson from this whole fiasco. What Mike needs to do is, produce other artists and write songs. Maybe he can become the next super producer?

I bet you guys are wondering as to why I would write something to Ken Wahl on my site? Let me tell you why I am writing something to Ken Wahl, I miss the guy! I swear he was so fugging cool and smooth in
The Wanderers and in
Fort Apache, The Bronx. I swear this guy was a good actor and he could probably kick Arnold Schwarzenegger's Austrian ass! So here is my message to Ken Wahl!
Dear Ken Wahl,
I was wondering as to why you quit the movie and t.v. business? Was it the drugs,women, and booze that made you quit? Was it the fame that was getting to you? Were you not getting paid enough for your work in movies and t.v.? Please Ken, give me and the rest of your fans an answer as to why you choose to quit the biz and go into hiding!
Your Fan,
E the Kid